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- [Sunday, August 7, 1988 Issues - Paranormal Conference with Annapolis, MD radio
- personality, UFO investigator, Bob Oechsler]
- User User ID Nod Rm Name / Forum Area
- ---- ------------ --- --- -----------------
- 26 74126,1321 ANY 5 JOSE B. RIVERA
- 31 75376,1620 CVK 5 Dale Wedge
- 33 76374,303 PNB 5 Steve G.
- 37 76703,266 WBR 5 G-WIZ
- 41 74270,3360 BOI 5 Don
- 43 70511,17 CRZ 5 Mike
- 56 70007,3422 DCI 5 BoB
- 65 71056,722 NWL 3 Frank Trzesniowski
- 67 71450,3504 NNM 5 DBC
- 69 72135,424 PNX 5 Drax
- 82 71605,2013 SFM 5 Gerry
- 84 74126,3254 ANM 5 EdC
- 94 76012,3361 MRT 5 Ted
- 101 72227,216 LTR 5 ed thomas
- 129 73336,1172 WER 5 Bob Dagenais
- (5, Ted) ok Here we go
- (Ted) Our guest tonight is Bob Oechsler. Bob has a regular Sunday radio program
- on WFBR in Baltimore. His show covers the subject of UFOs. In addition
- to Bob's 10,000 hours of radio experience and 2,600 [earlier number of
- 20,000 was in error] hours of TV, Bob is also a consultant to the Navy on
- robotics. Bob has helped with the Polaroid analysis of the Gulf Breeze
- photos in conjunction with Dr. Bruce Maccabbe.
- Just a reminder to those new to our CO. We operate under formal
- rules. If you want to ask a question or make a comment type a "?" or a
- "!" and I will take down your name and put you in queue and let you know
- when it is your turn.
- (5, Ted) Ok. Bob do you have any opening remarks? GA
- (5,BoB) Tonight's FOCUS will be on my primary investigation status regarding one
- very important TRUFO case and an extremely shocking series of revelations
- relating to an investigation of the Annapolis Bay Bridge Sightings Case.
- We'll explore the reasons as to why I've assigned the term TRUFO to the
- Northwest Florida MUFON Case #15 better known as the Gulf Breeze CEIII
- case. My overall research and somewhat activist reporting of the events
- I've been involved with encompass the following areas Congressional
- Liaison PSE - Voice Stress Analysis of witnesses, Photographic Equipment
- Analysis, Video Tape Research Analysis, Meteorological Data Analysis,
- Intrinsic Intangible Data Analysis. The latter involves some rather
- intriguing ON-BOARD research and analysis theories.
- (5,Ted) Ok. Bob you and I have spoken on the phone several times so...
- I'll now open the floor to ? ga
- (5,Dale Wedge) ?
- (5,DBC) ?
- (5,DON) ??
- (Ted) Ok Dale start it off ga
- (5,Dale Wedge) I talked to Bob on Saturday, and was QUITE impressed by his data.
- Bob, could you go into detail on the above listed analysis on the photos,
- video tape, and voice stress tests.ga
- (5,BoB) First let's get the video tape analysis out of the way . For example, a
- 10 second section of the 1:38 video consists of 600 hard copy prints. We
- are looking at the following data. Altitude Measurements against fixed
- objects. Flight Path Measurements against Fixed objects. Flight Craft
- Rotational Characteristics. Light Emission Analysis - Frequency / Dome -
- Power Source. Craft Ring Aberrations. Craft Attitude Measurements.
- Craft Air Speed / Velocity Measurements. Craft Mass Direction Reversal
- Analysis ...
- (Ted) Bob Got dumped ga
- (Ted) Welcome back bob ga
- (5,Phil Klass) Told him I would get him
- (5,BoB) Sorry about that. As an experienced technician I've built many remote
- controlled devices in the past ten years. As a prototype designer I'm
- well versed in exotic techniques used to operate various sizes of
- apparatus from very small to very large using sometimes inexpensive
- semi-automated frequency controlled equipment. I cannot duplicate the
- specifications detailed in this case, most notably the absence of audible
- sound that we are giving an exhaustive series of tests on the videotape
- audio track. The model hypothesis also suffers another major problem.
- How do you create a microwave generator that can make a perfect circle 12
- feet in diameter that cooks the grass and ground down to the roots at
- least 16 inches down, bleaching all of the chlorophyll out of the grass!
- (Ted) Ok. Great. DBC is next ga
- (5,DBC) Bob, I understand that NASA is letting you use. Can you tell us how much
- interest there is in the upper echelons of NASA on the GB case?ga
- (5,BoB) Well, that's not totally true! NASA GSFC TV is letting us and helping us
- with the videotape. They've been invaluable! Neat trick Huh? The photos
- are being computer enhanced at a facility in MASS. The NASA facility is
- manned by Bendix and a little clever negotiating got us in there. We have
- discovered something in the photo analysis that will put this case over
- the top. Photo #9 has window panels on the craft that are blacker on the
- gray scale than the background in the photo, thus you cannot have a dbl
- exposure Leaving only the model hypothesis that we already discussed. GA
- (Ted) Bob one quick one, what does GPSF stand for? ga
- (5,BoB) GSFC stands for Goddard Space Flight Center. ga
- (Ted) Ok. Don yer up! ga
- (5,Don) BoB, two quick questions first, during your investigations what
- interest, either of a covert nature, or overt have the Military, or
- civilian authorities (Fed) shown if any and perhaps I missed it, but what
- did the extensive list of tests show you that you mentioned other than
- bleaching the ground?ga
- (5,BoB) Wow that's an extensive ? that I'll try to cover in short first, there
- was a visit paid to Ed by alleged OSI officers in civilian clothes
- bearing arms demanding under a material seizure warrant all of Ed's
- original photos. They left empty handed as Duane Cook the Editor of the
- Sentinel had them. The military on the other hand got a wealth of info
- from this case using three ships decked out with radar gear and several
- mobile army hot bench vehicles which are all terrain land vehicles with
- 150 foot telescoping radar globes. We could not convince enough of our
- technicians that the case was valid nor could be muster the cash to send
- in magnetometer etc., recording equipment and we were there watching for
- over six months, what a waste! As to the list of video tape analysis, as
- I stated in my conference report at Lincoln, We determined that the craft
- must be real and not a model because of the peculiar flight
- characteristics the frequency aberrations regarding two independent light
- sources on the craft an apparent lopped ring aberration A soundless craft
- there was much sound on the video tape to work with and nothing that we
- cold eliminate o attah to the craft itself. We did determine the
- direction of rotation etc and much more.
- (Ted) Ok. Jose you are up ga
- (5,JOSE B. RIVERA) I noticed on the map I am looking at that Gulf Breeze is
- located next to Elgin Airforce Base, And next to The Navy Base at
- Pensacola. Is this a coincidence? or did the reports of sightings reach
- there also? ga
- (5,BoB) I don't know if it's a coincidence or not , but there were sighting
- reports in this case that stretched into Alabama. The military has
- refused to comment on the case but as I mentioned there was great
- interest. Also see my report in the LIB 10, letter to the President et
- al.
- (Ted) Drax is next ga
- (5,Drax) Trying to sift thru a million questions. First, I was given to
- understand that nothing of note had been found in the soil samples...is
- that incorrect?....second, in...your open letter to Gulf Breeze, you
- mention a second videotape of a hovering UFO has this been confirmed? GA
- (5,BoB) The final analysis of the soil sample indicated that the ground inside
- the ring was blasted with microwave radiation. The second video tape has
- been kept under wraps as far as I know and no I have not seen it, check
- with Don Ware ga
- (Ted) Ok Drax follow up? ga
- (5,Drax) I just spoke with Walt Andrus, who knows nothing about a second
- videotape. If I spoke to Don Ware, would he tell me that it exists?
- (5,BoB) I am not sure about Don, but Duane Cook will tell you that is of course
- if they are not talking about his video that he shot of Ed while in
- search of another photo in Duane's presence ga
- (Ted) Any more follow Drax? ga
- (5,Drax) Bob, have you ever gotten a satisfactory answer as to why Mr. Ed
- continued to use a Polaroid when video was available? GA
- (5,BoB) Sure I've spent over 100 hours with Ed. The video tape is a real pain in
- the XXX you have load batteries, tape and go thru a lot of hassle it's a
- real cheapy 8 mm. The Polaroid is a staple for him, he has used it for 14
- years in his work, the 108 that is He's a builder and needs to cover his
- AAA using sub contractors etc. By the way he was very co-operative in all
- aspects of the investigation he was just as curious as we were. In fact
- he took a photo of the UFO within one day of getting the new Sun 600
- camera. My research with Polaroid indicated that it would have been
- impossible as it gets to hoax a photo with that camera! ga
- (Ted) Ok the queue is Don, Steve, Dale and DBC GA DON
- (5,Don) BoB, this case, more than any in a while has generated much controversy.
- The ranks of MUFON have divided, CUFOS'S first said it was a hoax, then
- some recanted, Mr. Ed allegedly has a reputation of a jokester so I guess
- the bottom line is with your credentials, do you think that this is the
- real thing? ga
- (5,BoB) All excellent points Don. In my opinion, we need an alert team
- consisting of specialists from both organizations that can respond
- quickly to this type of case.
- (Ted) Ok Don a quick! follow ga
- (5,Don) Ok BoB, so what do you feel about this one? ga
- (5,BoB) Sorry got knocked off again!
- (5,Don) Ok, Bob, so what is your reaction, is this the one? ga
- (5,BoB) Don't know how much of the last response you got. My conclusion is that
- the case is valid. We have set new precedence. The Aliens have apparently
- initiated their own Glasnost Policy! ga
- (Ted) Ok Steve thanks for being patient ga
- (5,Steve G.) BoB, in hopes that your objectivity is more apparent than Walt
- Andrus's. I'd like to clarify one or two things. First, I am not
- satisfied with the answer about the VidCam, as I own one and find it easy
- as heck to use, but what was the illumination that we see in most if not
- all of the Polaroids and Video Tapes?
- (5,BoB) First about Walt. In all fairness, I think he has suffered from stage
- fright with this case. It was apparent to me at the Lin[coln] Conf that
- his awareness of detail was quite lacking. I think Ed prefers the
- Polaroid because of his familiarity Technically speaking the video camera
- is the pits to work
- with you are constantly looking through horizontal jail bars I'm not sure
- what you mean about "illlum" unless you are referring to the flash bulbs
- used in most of the pics and the video is real interesting because it's
- really two video shots in one the first 40 secs involves the UFO well lit
- with what I call skirt lights and the second one is sans the skirt
- lights! ga
- (Ted) Ok A quick follow and answer Steve as we have Dale, DBC, and Drax yet. ga
- (5,Steve G.) What I mean is that in the video tape, the foreground is
- illuminated and if I saw the ship hovering over the road with aliens
- getting out, I would have snapped at least one of them! ga (that's all!)
- (5,BoB) The foreground illumination in the video tape is the porch light near
- the bedroom. As far as sticking around to take photos of the alien if you
- knew what Ed knew and I learned I doubt you would stay either !!!! ga
- (5,Dale Wedge) OK.....
- (5,Steve G.) Chao [?] all and thanks for the info, Bob!
- (5,Dale Wedge) I get the feeling that a book is going to come out of this. This
- is based on the copyright in the MUFON journal...etc...Is there one in
- the works? Secondly, should Walt Andrus of fired Bob Boyd for his being
- against the case and feeding info to CUFOs? And lastly, what did you
- mean by the last sentence you said about Ed not sticking around to take
- photos or video, I don't remember exactly what was said.ga
- (5,BoB) First , yes there is a book ...
- (5,Dale Wedge) Did he get dumped?
- (5,Mike) yes
- (Ted) Yeah Walt got him! ga
- (5,Drax) Musta been EMP.
- (5,Dale Wedge) Lets not start on EMP. hahaha
- (Ted) Welcome back Bob ga
- (5,BoB) Name of Book UFOs Proof Positive Will it be published ??? That is up to
- ED and wife. What was the rest of the ? ga
- (5,Dale Wedge) Will the book be written by them with Andrus sorry, had to sneak
- that in the second one was do you think Bob Boyd should have been fired
- by Andrus... and third...No Walt has no input! ga
- (5,Dale Wedge) what did you mean by "If you knew what I knew" when you mentioned
- (Ted) DBC is up ! ga DBC [Editors note: Dale was speaking out of turn - Dale's
- question is answered later]
- (5,DBC) ok...
- (5,Dale Wedge) He didn't answer my questions from the first time"!
- (5,DBC) Bob, when I spoke to you on the phone, you said you may be able to give
- us a perspective of Ed that we were not aware of. Can you still do this.
- Also can you give us and update on the regression sessions. ga
- (5,BoB) I don't feel qualified to comment on the Boyd firing, however I can give
- you an insight into the lack of etiquette displayed in this case all the
- way around Boyd was wrong to comment publicly after spending just 15 mins
- with Ed and used MUFON case investigation research forms as a conclusive
- analysis. The comment about not waiting for the aliens to take a pic was
- one of terror! Experience with the Blue Beam on NOV 11 and on the night
- that the Bio Syn Job Being arrived at the bedroom door was enough to set
- anyone back a few paces. Ed is not a joker as was alleged, it's a long
- story but the short of it is the source was very misleading, he is a
- juvenile and actually a delinquent one at that and yes we have more than
- sufficient proof. An insight on Ed, he was first abducted at 11 years old
- by this same grp [group] again at age 17, 25, 33, and now at 41. The work
- from the regression has been very interesting. He was taught how to
- regress himself big mistake. He relived the May 1 encounter as real I
- spoke with him for two and a half hours following the second regression
- and got a lot of info that did not come out in the regression. It seems
- that he remembers more after the regression than during probably due to
- the trauma he endures while regressing. The info about his ON-Board
- encounter is exhilarating if you weren't there I suppose. Many
- interesting things were learned for example the light inside the craft is
- so bright that it's like holding a 4 foot fluorescent lite tube in front
- of your eyes. The source of the light is apparently the atmosphere in the
- craft itself. The wall at the curve of the craft vibrates or hums it was
- a pie shaped room, the first one he was in we figured he was on the
- second floor. The wall opened up on the left side and the Speaker came in
- with 3 syn job beings Ed immediately felt like attacking the speaker
- instantly the 3 robots closed in around the speaker their wands (called
- Mono Rod Neuro Controls) lit up and glowed as if they sensed that he was
- going to attack. There is much more to this encounter, should I go on ?
- ga
- (Ted) I think that in the interest of getting to others we had better move on,
- it is getting late Jim, er DRAX is up ga
- (5,Drax) Thanks, Ted....
- (5,Drax) OK...Bob, we keep hearing how there are "over a hundred" witnesses to
- these events there are in your words, "five photographers, only one of
- which" has not identified himself to MUFON. Where are these people? Why
- do we keep hearing only from Mr. Ed and Duane Cook, with a couple of
- cameo appearances by Believer Bill and the publisher's in-laws? And,"mono
- rod neuro controls"? Why would they be called anything recognizable in
- our language? GA
- (5,BoB) With telepathic comm we interpret things as closely to our language as
- possible The wand will paralyze you. Ed found accidentally that you can
- break the neural lock just slip a portion of your tongue between your
- teeth and bite down real hard. The pain center apparently knocks out the
- control. There are listed in the case file 135 witnesses I'm looking for
- my list of photographers. ED, Believer Bill who has spoken twice with
- investigators Nancy, I forget the
- last name who took seven photos Don has those, there is another person
- who is a student in Birmingham who photos while in GB on vacation and
- left the undeveloped film with either Duane or Don, and the last is the
- lady who took the June 86 photos. She has also had contact and says she
- through out the negs. GB is a small town, it is not surprising that
- Duane's father-in-law and mother sorry that's step father are related ...
- Charlie and Dory Sommerby are in my opinion very credible witnesses. I've
- talked with both they are old folks trying to stay out of the way. The
- only connection between Ed and Duane before all of this occurred was that
- they were both on a town committee. ga
- (Ted) Ok. Gerry next ga
- (5,Gerry) Since time is running along, Bob, could you tell us now about the
- Chesapeake Bay sightings? ga
- (5,BoB) I was hoping we would get to this !!! ...
- (5,EdC) Me too!
- (5,BoB) So much is going on here that it will be difficult to cover much of it.
- First the Bay is in a magnetic variant according to the geodetic survey.
- The Pax River NAS has a very powerful EMP generator that we believe has
- been responsible for the following: Many UFO sightings, multiple
- witness, The closing of the Calvert Cliffs Nuc Plant, The closing of a
- critical bridge onto Solomon's Island, The killing of 1 million fish, The
- downing of a Cessna 182 with two pass, The closing of Mill Creek ,
- location of EMPRESS I barge. And a report that the Pax River NAS is
- actually an elec comm fac for monitoring and communicating with aliens.
- There is more, where do you want to start ? GA
- (5,Gerry) follow
- (5,Gerry) Can you tell us how we can learn more about this story? ga
- (5,Bernie) Has there been any actual contacts with aliens?
- (5,BoB) My research staff is working feverishly to complete our analysis of the
- situation for a meeting with Cong Tom McMillen. I will be reporting in
- print to the major media about these events in the near future. Contacts
- with aliens is thought to exist, but is not confirmed to date. We may
- even have as many as five direct alien encounters with residents. I guess
- I should be writing a book about this but with all of the research going
- on I can't find the time. I'd also like to write about the internal
- investigation process and the problems encountered by a part-time team
- faced with the task of investigating an overwhelming case . GA
- (Ted) Ok Mike next ga
- (5,Mike) Bob, does your Linc Conf report include all the abduction...
- (5,Bernie) How can I become involved in these investigations?
- (5,Mike) data mentioned here?
- (5,BoB) Mike, which case?
- (5,Mike) Ed ga
- (5,BoB) Not all of the data is available in my conf rep. The GB case involves
- nine missing time elements I mention but four in my report some of these
- are quite traumatic and we are working with Senate Liaison for
- assistance. GA
- (Ted) Ok JOSE next ga
- (5,JOSE B. RIVERA) BOB, I get the impression sometimes that the
- military/government is indeed in contact with these aliens. But if they
- were, why do they continue to chase them, use Radar cars, etc.. Is is
- possible that they are in the dark as much as we are about UFOs the
- government. ga
- (5,BoB) I can't read part of your Q ...but, I don't see any evidence that the
- Gov't is chasing them in fact quite the opposite is evident in GB Gov't
- aircraft were seen following and monitoring the UFO craft without
- apparent interference perhaps they're gun-shy. I know for a fact that
- they Gov't is not in the dark. I suggest that you read Clear Intent and
- Above Top Secret.
- (Ted) Ok Don is up ga
- (5,Don) BoB, I assume that you are aware of the "paper" that John Lear released
- in Dec 87 on Paranet Alpha and that he alleges that the govt has been in
- "cahoots" for over 20 years with these entities. Now I remember back in
- 66 or 67 when Cong Jerry Ford headed an inquiry into these matters the
- Condon report came out, and the govt led us to believe or tried to that
- they were out of the UFO business. Now do you really believe that
- McMillen or any other Cong or Senator can pierce this blank wall..
- (5, Phil Klass) It's CONDOM report!
- (5,Don) when for over 40 years the govt has hushed this up, and at times taken
- extraordinary steps to keep it hushed? ga
- (5,BoB) First let me say that PK [Phil Klass] is confirmed to be a patriot of
- the highest order (listening PK?). He is merely following orders like a
- noble patriot ...
- (5,Phil Klass) yep
- (5,BoB) John Lear confirmed what PK told me that he was a close friend of the
- Lear family and he confided in the Lear family. Such activity Lear's
- report is wholly accurate according to several sources that I've
- contacted and our own research has lead me to believe that he is correct
- on many many counts. He is now working with us on Nevada related EM
- studies. The CONDON REPORT is very accurate, all you have to do is skip
- the conclusion which belies the body of the report. As far as McMillen is
- concerned he may have a unique wedge in that he is on the Science and
- Tech Comm. If he is smart enough to use the EMP Test schedule denial
- route, that is to say that the Gov't is reluctant to pub the schedule, if
- he is successful, he may break open the shell and then watch out for the
- nut to fall.
- (Ted) ok. Dale next ga
- (5,Dale) We have been hearing a lot about EMP. Everyone should know that EMP
- can only be caused by a nuclear blast, usually at high level to knock out
- electronics. I fail to see how EMP got inter-twined in this conversation
- about Mr. Ed. Is there something your not telling us in regards to the
- gov't. Or is it the Gov't that is behind what is going on?
- (5,BoB) We moved on to the Annapolis Bay Bridge Case. Ever since the big blast
- in Japan both the US and USSR have been doing research on EMP. That's
- wrong, the Soviets according to a Pentagon release through the Wash Post
- in conjunction with a lawsuit filed by FET against the Pent concerned
- about the environmental impact of EMP at generators located in MD, VA,
- AL, NM, CA. The EMPRESS II barge can generate 7 million volts which
- according Dr. Maccabee is peanuts compared to a lightning bolt and in his
- opinion would be of little interest to UFOs ...
- (5,Dale) True. and also EMP
- (5,BoB) which is how we got interested in this issue. You see with all of the
- UFO activity the past year here in the Annapolis area, and no apparent
- abduction activity , we went looking for a reason that UFOs might be
- interested in the area. WE FOUND EMP TO BE THE BEST KEPT GOVT SECRET
- HERE!!!
- (Ted) ok Drax next ga
- (5,Drax) Bob, I think you should clarify a statement you made earlier which
- implied that Phil Klass has admitted to John Lear that he (Klass) is
- working as an agent of the government. I've talked to John at length, and
- while he BELIEVES Klass is a govt. agent, as do many people, he has so
- far never told me that Klass told him that. GA
- (5,BoB) Let me put it this way, in a private conversation with PK, he told me
- that John probably suffered brain damage and lead me to believe that John
- was a paraplegic or something like that he also said that Bill Moore is
- probably a member of MJ-12 which seems rather credulous in light of his
- public opinion that MJ-12 is a hoax. And finally John did in fact say
- that Phil more or less confessed that he was ...providing a Gov't service
- for which John did not believe he was paid for and that's all I know
- about the subject. GA
- (Ted) Ok Drax follow? ga
- (5,Drax) As I'm sure you know, Klass has a rather inscrutable sense of humor,
- I'm sure he was employing it in his statement about Moore being a member
- of MJ-12. As to Klass being an agent, was it the story John often tells
- about Klass going fishing with a CIA agent regularly or something? GA
- (5,BoB) NO, this was no story and let's not waste any more time on PK who is not
- worth our conversation time since he has not had even a prosaic
- contribution to add to ufology! GA
- (5,Drax) Fair enough.
- (Ted) Ed C. next ga
- (5,EdC) I would like to ask how many of the COers have had sightings? Perhaps we
- could take a poll before we sign off??? ga
- (Ted) Ok a quick poll. If you have had a sighting type "S!" ga
- (5,BoB) s
- (5,EdC) s
- (5,Don) s
- (5,JOSE B. RIVERA) s
- (5,Gerry) green fireball
- (Ted) Not Bad! DBC is next ga
- (5,JOSE B. RIVERA) also green fireball, moving across NYC sky
- (5,DBC) ok...
- (5,BoB) 5 objects photographed w/35 mm two cams
- (5,DBC) Bob, can you elaborate a little on the alleged facility...
- (5,Gerry) Mine was across San Francisco!
- (5,DBC) that's involved in alien contact. And could you also mention something
- about your conversation with Bobby Inman? ga
- (5,BoB) The facility of which there are several to mention here is a Patuxent
- River, Maryland commonly called Pax River NAS. They have an elaborate EMP
- generator there that was built at Quantico in VA and moved by barge up
- the Ches. Bay. It is permanently mounted at the base there and is no
- doubt responsible for the cracks in the concrete piers on the bridge that
- connects the island to St. Mary's. There is also the EMPRESS I barge
- that moves all over the bay and docked at the ECAC facility ECAC stands
- for Electromagnetic Continuity Analysis Center which is part of the David
- Taylor Research Center Standby one back. There are many other Top Secret
- facilities here near the Naval Academy including the Westinghouse
- Facility now closed to all w/o clearance. My mtg w/ Adm Innman was a
- chance encounter where I asked him in total privacy and security if he
- would be so kind as to inform me as to how I could get closer to MJ-12.
- His response he studied by business card which dealt with robotics and
- nothing about UFOs placed my card into the inside breast pocket of his
- jacket looked me square in the eyes gave a partial nod and a half smile
- and said "OK", we shook hands and off he went NO further response ... GA
- (5,DBC) How long ago was,that meeting, Bob. And was it understood that he would
- send you something? GA
- (5,BoB) Sorry about the delay, in the immortal words of Timothy Good -- Had to P
- ... The meeting took place on Friday the 13th ...
- (5,Don) first mistake!!
- (5,BoB) the month was april the place was the U of MD ground breaking for the
- new Science and Tech Ctr in Bowie, MD he was the keynote speaker ahead of
- the gov who was p'd.ga
- (Ted) Ok Don is next ga
- (5,BoB) more
- (5,Don) Bob, allow me to regress for one moment.. Earlier, when we spoke about
- McMillen, you suggested that he had a better chance to get to the root of
- the because of his cong. committee. If Lear is even half right about
- what is happening it would appear that McMillen has a long way to go
- because we have even had an ex President that admitted to a sighting
- (Carter) in 1977, and he promised to release what the gov't had on UFO's,
- and end the secrecy. However, like many other promises, this never
- happened. I maintain that elements in the govt. have too much invested
- to ever allow the "truth" as they know it to become knowledge. Do you
- believe that this will ever be resolved, and if so will we ever get to
- truth out to the people, and do you really believe that the "big media"
- will treat it in a responsible manner?
- (Ted) Wow! Ga Bob
- (5,EdC) Online Regression... Is this your abduction story, Don?
- (5,BoB) Well ...
- (5,BoB) If in fact the Gov't is coming out of closet this fall as has been
- alleged, then I would say that Ronnie has forshadowed this 4 times in the
- past two years. As for McMillen I'm trying to shove him around to the
- left flank by breaking into the EMP issue as it relates to the well being
- of his constituents. If he breaks open the EMP issue in congress, my
- guess is that the nut will fall out of the shell and that will open up
- the UFO issue. You'll note that in my letter to the President I did not
- use the term UFO or abduction the purpose was to avoid the obvious proj
- blue book response and the round file what happened was a serious Gov't
- interest in my claims that there existed human rights violations and FAA
- airspace rules violations that were going unchecked and needed gov't
- attention! As for the media. I hate to prognosticate, but they may take
- it lightly and joke at first but eventually they will have to take it
- seriously especially when they find out the whole truth .GA
- (Ted) Ok Follow Don ga
- (5,Don) BoB, now the biggie! For 6 months I have been working on a paper that
- addresses the various aspects of ufology where there have been apparent
- hostile acts committed by the craft. What do you believe their intentions
- are do you believe that there are reasons to believe, like Lear that
- "These little fellers are up to no good!") ga
- (5,BoB) That's a real tuffy because no one can really answer that with any
- degree of credibility in my opinion. However, I'll give you my gut
- reaction to all of this. First there is evidence that we are being
- visited by at least four different groups of alien cultures. As within
- our own society, we have our
- extremists so do the aliens in my opinion it's probably no bed of roses
- for them either but one theory to examine is the one that they are as
- much in the dark about our culture as we are about theirs, and if we were
- to discover a society on this planet that was so primitive that even the
- slightest communication would take a great deal of time and effort, I
- suggest that we would maintain a similar perspective and attitude that
- the aliens have done with us. The GB case sets a new precedence in UFO
- contact in that for the first time they have staged apparent photographic
- opportunities perhaps in a first step of a new Alien Glasnost Policy,
- perhaps even in conjunction with our own and other foreign government
- support? ga
- (5,Don) or more disinformation!
- (Ted) GA mike
- (5,Mike) Can you supply any info on the upcoming <Oct 14> TV special?
- (5,BoB) The only info that I have about the Oct 14 airing is from various
- consultants on the show originally they were to show film of the Holloman
- Landing but I think that was canned, not sure, but anyway the scuttle
- butt is that the show is being done in an unprofessional manner to put it
- mildly and I don't really expect too much from it. The NBC show to be
- aired in December as the anchor to "Unsolved Mysteries" of which I am
- involved is about the GB case and does not center on Ed but all of the
- other witnesses and the photos and all of the research that is being done
- so far my opinion is that they are doing an exemplary job. Don't expect
- much from the OCT14 show until further notice. ga
- (Ted) Mike, If you want to know more about the Oct 14 th show leave a message
- to Phil Imbrogno on the Issues message board. He is going to be on the
- show and is a member of this forum. ga
- (Ted) Any other ? ga
- (Ted) Bob I want to thank you for being our guest tonight. You faced some pretty
- tough questions. Thanks again and I'll try to call you soon. ga
- (5,Don) Thank you BoB, and take care.
- (5,Mike) Keep up the good work...thanks Bob.
- (5,DBC) Many thanks Bob.
- (5,BoB) In closing, I'd like to make a few comments. Our research is continuing
- on many fronts. If anyone would like to keep in contact you can reach me
- by phone or mail I'll leave some particulars here ...
- Telephone: (301) 956-3570 or (301) 261-4353?
- Address: 136 Oakwood Road
- Edgewater, Maryland 21037
- Please be kind enough to send a self address stamped envl. There will be
- available copies of all of my radio shows on audio tape including the 5
- hour symposium on August 21st ... the work goes on ...the pay sucks !!!ga
- (Ted) Ok. Bob how do we go about getting copies of the radio tapes? ga
- (5,EdC) Bob, if you have something you'd like to upload, call me and I'll get it
- to the forum.
- (5,BoB) To get copies of the tapes you'll have to either send me a cassette or
- more or you'll have to wait until I can figure out an economical way of
- producing them, I do have dubbing equip but there is time and energy and
- postage involved about five bucks a tape probably. I'll have a list of
- the shows and guests avail in about a week some real good stuff including
- GB Ed in person, John Lear, Stan Friedman, Tim Good, and many many
- others, Dick Hall, PK, Duane Cook, Bruce, Danny Gordon - Wytheville, Budd
- Hopkins, Mike Shea ...
- (Ted) Ok, Let me know when there avail and I post it here.
- (5,BoB) The entire MARS Viking photo story ...
- (5,BoB) Charles Berlitz ...
- (5,BoB) that's enough for now ...
- (Ted) Ok. Once again Bob, thanks and we'll be in touch. In the mean time think
- about joining CompuServe and becoming a regular! ga
- (5,BoB) Roger! If I can find the utility and the finances it would be most
- enjoyable ...
- (5,EdC) I'll bend his ear on that account!
- (5,BoB) In the meantime, if anyone is interested in helping out on the research
- there is much to be done we are very fortunate in one regard and that is
- the radio format affords us the luxury of finding deep throats who seem
- to be willing to talk one is so scared that he uses three linked phone
- systems and a voice alterator and will not talk over the air for fear of
- being tracked he tells me that they compartmentalize the info so that
- they can readily track a leak it's a very sensitive issue, I'm sure you
- understand.
- (Ted) Give us a plug on your show, we're here every Sunday at 8:00 EDT
- (5,BoB) I will indeed!
- (5,EdC) g'nite
- (5,BoB) Thanks all
- (Ted) Nite! ga
- (5,DBC) Night Bob and thanks again.
- (5,JOSE B. RIVERA) beunas noches
- 12:04:12 AM EDT Monday, August 8, 1988